Stormwater Management
With over 20 years of experience in commercial, residential and military work, our team provides expert guidance in a multitude of services. Whether supervising a small BMP install or completing a dam deformation survey, our staff has the necessary skills to meet all of your stormwater needs.
Services Include:
Capital Improvement Projects
Flooding + Detention Analysis
Watershed + Master Planning
Stormwater Facility Design + Permitting
Stormwater Facility Retrofits
Riverine Flood Studies + Analysis
FEMA Revisions + Mapping
Storm Drainage Inventory + Assessment
Storm Drainage Design
High Hazard Dam Design + Inspections
Breach Routing + Inundation Risk Mapping
Water Quality Mitigation
Coastal + CAMA Permitting
Elevation Certificate for insurance purposes
Elevation Certificate for new construction
LOMA—Letter of Map Amendment—Short and long forms
LOMR—Letter of Map Revision
Establish Base Flood on your property
Establish Floodway on your property
Land Planning and Evaluation
Establish Bench Mark to your site
Field Cross Section for a Flood Study
Easement Surveys and Maps:
Conservation easement
Roadway easement
Street and roadway dedication
Septic system easement
Well and water line easement